Sunday, 26 July 2015

Sunday 26th July 2015

Welcome back everyone!

Hi Everyone time for another installment of Obese to Powerlifter, I hope you are all enjoying it so far. This week has been a somewhat successful week!


First of all after reassessing my diet and implementing some flexible dieting along with tracking my intake through Myfitnesspal ( If you don't have this app I highly advise getting it ) I am making some big strides in dropping bodyfat and weight. I have successfully dropped from 99 to 96.4 this week and my body is really starting to show physical results which I am pretty happy about. I expect it to slow a little this week but I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully good things will keep happening. 


Squats are feeling better and better each week. Last Sunday i had a pretty successful session, Today's wasn't quite as successful but it has given us some weak points to work on and I am confident the next session will be much better. I was very happy with bench this week hitting a triple pb and felt relatively easy. I feel like my setup for bench is getting much better and my lifts are a good representation of this. Deadlifts were interesting this week. I have a bit of work to do on my setup but It's improving everytime. 

Thanks for tuning in everyone. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have some more to report but for now, until next Sunday! Have a great week all!

Sunday, 19 July 2015

It was all happening this week!

Hi Everybody!

I hope everybody has had a great week! I know that I have!


So prior to this week I had gone a little off track with the diet due to having to go away, a wedding and my own birthday ( dirty 30! ). My weight had slowly gone up to 105 kg due to this so this time last week I decided to get back on track. I'm currently sitting at a neat 99 kg's and I'm actually feeling fairly lean. Now, It may look like a lot of weight for 7 days but i assure you this is water weight ( when i go off a diet i gain quickly but also lose it quickly once i clean it up ) . 

Activities for the week

So this week i decided to do that dirty, dirty thing people keep telling me about, cardio. Each morning i have been taking a 30-45 minute fasted walked before work and let me tell you, It was a little bit cool! I am actually beginning to enjoy these walks and It gets me ready to go for the day. As for in the gym i have made so absolutely awesome progress this week! My squat is really starting to get back on track after a year of niggles and injuries which I am over the moon about!! We have also switched my deadlift stance to a wide conventional ( made popular by Ed Coan if you wish to check it out ) and I am having a lot of success with it. Pulling conventional I couldn't get setup correctly making the lift very difficult for me and the full sumo stance I don't seem to have the hip mobility so I was keen to try this stance out. It felt very natural to me and I can't wait to see what I can do with it once I have had a little practice with the technique. Not a lot to report on the bench, the technique is improving but just need to get stronger. 

That's it for this week everyone there is a lot that will be going on in the next few months I will keep you all updated. Remember to do your meal prep tonight and have a fantastic week all!! 

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Welcome to my Blog Everybody!!

I have been sharing my journey through social media a lot lately so i decided it was time to start writing a blog. Here is my Story:

Most of my life i had been overweight due to a lazy lifestyle and really bad diet. About 3 years ago i decided to step into a gym and was lucky enough to meet the right people who put me on the path that has got me to where i am today. Here is a quick comparison photo.

So there is about 30 kg difference in that photo, i have to say, I am pretty proud of this. I am currently doing some body recomp work and hoping to rid myself of that belly for good!

Onto my powerlifting experience to this date. I did my first Novice competition about 2 years ago i think it was. One of the craziest experiences of my life, instantly fell in love with the sport. I then went on to compete at the Capo Nationals and qualified for GPA Worlds but unfortunately was unable to compete due to some back issues i was having. I was then invited to the Arnold Classic here in Australia as a guest lifter, was such an amazing experience. I unfortunately tore my quad 2 months out of this meet but i still went and competed, Regardless i had an absolute blast!

So that brings us to now. I am currently in off season working out all my mobility issues and attempting to cut my visceral fat as well. All is going well. I am as of today at 99 kg's and happy with my progress.

Until next time my friends!