Sunday, 23 August 2015

Long time no see!

Good evening everyone! It has been a couple of weeks since my last post so I will try and fill you all in as best I can!

Bad news first. I am probably not competing for a little while as i have done a bit of damage to my shoulder (bursitis) and am still needing to get an MRI on my back. Fingers crossed it will come up all clear. My back has been giving me problems for the last 12+ months and to progress to the next level it is something we really need to address.

My training is all on hold at the moment due to my injuries so i don't really have anything to report. Up until this my lifts were progressing so well in this prep which is a bit frustrating but fixing these problems is going to help me progress leaps and bounds in the long run. 

As i am not training my weight is maintaining at the moment. I Am playing around with my diet this week which i am really having fun with. I am considering writing a food blog soon with my favorite recipes etc so you guys can all look forward to that. 

I will keep you all updated on progression of my injuries and scan results. I really hope to be back in the gym soon, but i am trying not to rush it as i want a good run at nationals next year. 

Have a great week all! 

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Sunday 2nd August, 2015.

Hello all! I hope everyone has had a great week. Short one this week!


I have continued along with my current nutrition plan and this week have started playing around with different food sources and i am really enjoying It! Some days I have gone over or under my macros but It's all a learning experience. My body weight is slowly but consistently dropping and the body fat seems to be melting away so happy days!


A couple of hiccups earlier this week with squats and dead lifts which are technique related as far as we can tell. I squatted today and was pretty happy with the result and did a bit of speed work on deadlifts and was a vast improvement on this time last week. Bench has always been a lift that i have struggled with but with a few training style changes It is really progressing very well. Today marks day one of prep for my next competition so i will be sure to keep you all updated as we progress through this prep!

Have a great week all!